Sunday, August 30, 2009

Simple Pleasures, Part 2 (or maybe 3)

Sometimes there's nothing nicer than an animal sitting in your lap. As I write this, sitting cross-legged on the bed in front of our laptop, DB, our Siamese cat is doing just that, quite contentedly. He's not asking for attention. He's not being obtrusive, trying to nose his way between me and my work. He's just lying here, eyes shut, presumably sleeping. He might be purring, but I can't tell. He's a happy guy.

He's using me. I'm sure of that. He wants a nice warm spot to sleep in, and he wants to be close to his human companions. This spot he's chosen to perch in is entirely about his own comfort and happiness. And I can accept that because I'm using him, too. His presence is relaxing for me. And whether or not he's actually capable of unconditional love, I feel it from him. It might be in my mind, but it's real enough, and I'm using him for that feeling. And I think it's true that if two creatures are mutually using each other toward their own selfish gains, they aren't using each other anymore. They're a team. They're working together to assure each other's mutual happiness. That's what friendship is all about. People getting together to help each other do what makes them happy.

And right now my non-English speaking friend of the feline persuasion is doing just that. And likewise.

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