Wednesday, February 18, 2009

After the Pain Subsides

This is not a shout out to masochism.  Given my druthers I'd always opt for no pain in any given situation.  My pain threshold is fine, but I'd rather leave it untested.

I'm simply mentioning that there is something magical about how you feel after an acute pain has subsided.  Logically, it would seem, you should feel exactly the same as you did before the pain began.  In both moments you're existing without pain.  Except that the memory of pain recently past colors your experience of "no pain" in the latter scenario.  Maybe that comparison makes the "after" moment seem more pleasant.

As an example, after a particularly bad headache has passed for me, I feel happier and more buoyant than before the pain started.  It's almost pleasurable.  In both cases I don't have a headache.  There seems to be a double truth when one says, "I feel better."  Not only do you feel better than when you were in pain, you feel better even than your earlier, pre-pain resting state.

It may just be the residual endorphins floating around in your brain, causing a sort of mild euphoria.  Regardless I'm glad the human brain deals with pain that way.  I assume its part of the reason women give birth to more than one child.

As a related aside, my sister is due in ten days!

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