Friday, February 6, 2009

"I Inhaled. Frequently. That Was The Point."

When I saw the video of President Obama saying that I was overjoyed.  I'm already excited about his presidency and this statement just gave me one more reason to like him.

I'm not excited because I'm a smoker.  There was a two month period in college where probably more pot smoke passed my lips than oxygen, but that time is over.  No, I'm excited because it shows that our president, for possibly the first time in history, is truly not afraid to tell the truth.

Most politicians would consider that phrase a campaign killer, and would dance around it at all costs.  Now whether Obama felt more comfortable saying that because of the image he has cultivated for himself, and the fact that his base skews younger is inconsequential.  It was still a risk.  You could see him pause momentarily, carefully considering his words before speaking.

In the end he chose to say it, and gained that much more of my respect.  Now if only Michael Phelps would stop kowtowing to the media and accepting blame for something he did which isn't remotely a bad thing.  Tell the truth people.  This article makes the point that nearly one in two Americans have tried pot, and that pot smokers come from all walks of life; most gainfully employed, successful people.

Sorry.  I didn't mean to get off on that tangent.  My point is that we should all be excited by the fact that we have an honest president that isn't afraid to say difficult, unpopular things, and would rather tell the truth than apply the usual political gloss.

Here's to at least eight years of openness and honesty in government!

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