Monday, February 23, 2009

Catnip: C'mon Mittens...Everybody's Doin' It

Catnip and cats is the funniest herb/animal combination since marijuana and Chong.  Watching cats high on the nip ranks right up there with cats chasing laser pointers, cats chasing their own tails, and cats trying desperately to back away from the yogurt container they were previously licking, which is now firmly stuck on their faces.

It's great for cats.  It's legal, non-addictive, and clearly a blast.  The buzz only lasts about ten minutes, and has no adverse effects.  And it's just as much fun for us, the catnip enablers.  Every cats reacts differently, some more intensely than others, but all comically.  Anyone that has a cat has seen it, their feline friends rolling around in the dregs, swatting at non-existent critters, swatting unsuccessfully at existent critters, pouncing viciously on their compatriots and then forgetting where they are moments later.  It's like getting your younger sibling high, and then taunting them.  Not that I advocate that.

Because I don't.

Unless it's funny.

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