Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Air Travel

Even with all of it's faults, and there are a LOT of them, air travel is still the best and fastest way to get from point A to point B, assuming A and B are sufficiently far apart.  And considering all the potential fail-points, air travel is remarkably safe.  I know I've seen statistics that say you have a much better of chance dying in a car wreck than dying in a plane crash.  I'm going to quote an answer I found on Yahoo Answers.

"To put it in perspective, roughly 30,000 people have been killed in car accidents in the USA in 2008. That's the equivalent of two Boeing 747's loaded with passengers crashing and killing everyone on board, each and every week of the year."

I read that in the last two years there hasn't been a single crash related fatality in the United States.  Given the number of flights each day, your odds are pretty good.  In fact, you have a better chance of being struck by lightening, or so I've read.

Air travel is fast and immensely safe.  I think I can live with the fact that I can only carry on three ounce of hair gel or it gets stolen.

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