Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Being Friendly

I like it when people are nice and friendly to one another and I enjoy being nice and friendly to others. This is what I love and miss about the South; people wave at their neighbors, they have small talk in line at the grocery store, they hold doors open for each other. I've noticed a couple times that I've done these type of deeds here (Baltimore) and the person is so astonished that they thank me up and down. Having that kind of reaction to something so easy seems a bit disconcerting...stay positive Kate. I have started making a conscious effort to be more openly friendly to people. It's easy and makes you and them feel good. I've noticed that every time someone is kind to me in a profound way, I run and tell Jason. I guess I get astonished, too. We are all human, we hopefully all have families of our own, in some way or another we can all relate to each other. Let's continue to build those relationships with one another. We don't all have the funds to donate to charities, so the least we can do is be kind and friendly with everyone. A smile or wave goes a long way. Good night ya'll!

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