Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good Hair Days

I have about a two and a half week window after a haircut where my hair behaves, looks normal, and doesn't have random gamma radiation freak-outs.  After that it's a crap shoot.  I have wavy/curly hair, which is akin to saying that my scalp is like a play-dough fun factory.  Add even a fraction of an inch to a lock of my hair and it can go from "plays well with others" to mad scientist devil horn.  And the further I trek from my two and a half week window, the further into Kramer territory I stumble.

So when I have a good hair day during my post-premium period, I really appreciate it.  Not to sound vain, but checking myself out in the mirror when my hair is looking fly (yes fly...that's how I'd describe my frock today) I get a confidence boost.  A little kick in the happy pants.  And having a good hair day gives me hope that tomorrow may follow the trend.  That there actually is a trend.  That good hair days have been scheduled for me on the calender of fate.  A good hair day is the tonsorialistic equivalent of winning ten bucks from a scratch-off ticket you got as a gift at your company holiday party.  It's unexpected, awesome, and easily lost after too much alcohol.

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