Thursday, March 5, 2009

The angry pathetic nut case can re-cog-nize!

I'm feeling particularly edgy today. I don't know what's in the air. I like that I can finally recognize when I'm hitting the top level of my stress and anxiety. Yes, the meds are working or maybe I am finally having a realization. I've always taken things too seriously and have always allowed stress to rip me to sheds both emotionally and physically. I am so relieved that I now able to control that to a degree.  I'm not entirely healed, that may never happen. I know being this way is part of who I am and I bet some of my achievements could have faultered if I hadn't beat myself up on the way there. I know that this entry is a bit personal, but whoever's reading this still must truely respect and enjoy what we are doing. I am so proud to have the abilty to take control of my feelings and actions, staying confident and sure of myself in the process. There are times like today where I see myself building into that angry pathetic nut case again, and I now just yell and scream in my head some and of course make a couple small wrong turns, but this time I ended on a positive note. Cheers to the start of a new me.

1 comment:

  1. Good girl, I love you Kate! :-)
    Wow you hit it, u know not taking things so personally, life is too short screw those who don't always share the same opinion as you even if it is your sis at times. I will never love you any less only more each day! hugs and kisses :-)
