Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Joy of Kate's Nasty Quirks

Two habits I have that help me relieve stress are cracking my neck and picking the eye buggers out of our cat, DB's eyes. Yes, these are habits I'm not particularly proud of, but they are such stress relievers for me and ultimately I enjoy doing them. Cracking my neck most likely does not have the best long term effects, so I'd rather not look it up to find out. It's probably my favorite bad habit because it feels so good, especially when I manage to get two cracks out of the right and left sides. Jason and I both clean DB's eyes and yes, it's pretty gross, but it's such an addiction. DB is our baby and we really hate for him to have grossness in his eyes. He seems to like it when we do it, so it must be uncomfortable for him to have them. It's our maternal natures coming out, and we just can't help nurturing him the best way we know how. Well, there you go folks, if I think of any more nasty therapeutic quirks I'll be sure to share them. Night!

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