Monday, March 23, 2009

Simple Pleasures, Part 1

There is almost nothing more satisfying than taking off your shoes at the end of a long, hard day. Or a short, easy day. Or just a quick trip to the mall for bean dip and a new pair of sunglasses. When whatever it was that you were doing in the shoes you were wearing is finished, removing said shoes is bliss.

And interestingly, putting on those shoes again in the morning is its own positive experience. Donning shoes gives you power, allowing you to walk places a barefoot person would never dare. There's a certain confidence you gain wearing a smart pair of shoes, and a level of respect from onlookers that wrapping your feet in burlap doesn't garner.

Shoes are a double-edged sword, where both edges are soft and fluffy and prone to delivering happiness with each slice. Putting on your shoes makes you feel good, and so does taking them off. There aren't too many situations in life where the addition of something and then its subtraction yield the same results. "Here's a delicious piece of chocolate for you...which I just accidentally dropped down a well." "You're mother and I decided to buy you a new car...but you have no arms, so it's illegal for you to drive it." "Will you marry me?...does polygamy bother you?"

See? Shoes are their own lovely beast.

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