Saturday, July 11, 2009

Buy what you Love

You got to love impulse buying. I really don't do this very often. The one I did this morning was more like an ironic meant to be purchase.

There's been this lady from FL at the Farmer's Market selling her knitted hats with her sister, who's local, for the past two weeks. The first time we saw her I fell in love with her hats, trying them all on, she thought I was really personable, I gave her my card and everything. Anyways her and this older lady loved this one hat on me. It was more feminine than I'm used too, so I wasn't quite sure about it. Let me also mention the fact that I loved this red hat with a cute rim. I put the feminine hat on again and the old lady yelled out "It even looks good from far away." So I went ahead and bought it, the colors on it were beautiful and I know I would wear it on dressy occasions.

Last week we went to find her out there again. We talked for a little bit, I knew she'd be going back to Florida, so it was my last chance to buy the red hat. Not having any money on me I decided it wasn't meant to be, maybe I would go to her website and buy it.

So I went this morning, she wasn't there, but guess what was - All her hats sitting on a table. Her sister had kept them to sell. The red hat was there! I had just gotten $60 out of my account. Enough to buy the hat, fruit, and breakfast danishes. I finally have the hat I loved from the beginning! Sometimes impulse buying is meant to be and don't let others influence your purchases, only you know what you like.

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